Going by normal standards it would be hard to say Chiranjeevi is handsome. Perhaps that is what helped him become one of the biggest matinee idols ever. He looks so much like the regular guy we see everyday, yet the megastar also epitomises a fundamental precept of style: It’s not the clothes, but the personality that matters more. That is why two men dressed in the same outfit never quite produce the same effect. However, with Chiru, clothes were merely incidental. It did not matter whether he was dressed like a taxi driver devouring his bidi, he still did it like nobody else could. We are not sure how much of a fashion follower he was, but he certainly was an instigator. His first major hit Khaidi gave him the angry young man image, which stuck on for over three decades. True to that image, his style was always eye-stopping and had an intense presence, much like the last puff of a hand rolled cigar... raw but deeply satisfying.

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